So here we are; visiting a good friend who is an avicultural expert like we and who proudly shows us his new offspring several Red-browed Waxbills. Well I would like to get some pictures of my birds he said after a while feel free to go into the aviary and do your best.
In no way where we prepared for this In our bag was the 4.0/500mm as well as both converters but this hardly a lens for a four meter long indoor-aviary . Well there was also what I call the toddler-lens the 18-55 3.5- 5.6 IS it is small it is dirt cheap and so far it delivered pretty nice results. But of course I was for the lookout for a better lens for our APS-camera bodies.
You got to use what is in the bag; luckily one of the males was a quite tame individual and with some of its favorite food attached to a branch it approached right away. The not very fast AF of the toddler-lens tried to do its job but was it good enough and how about the sharpness the bird approached to roughly 30-40cm this usually is pretty tough for most zooms … some even don’t focus so close and it is hardly the distance the IQ is best. One hour later I was looking at the results on my notebook … boy was I wrong this lens is good even for close-ups; okay I don’t like the AF; I don’t like that it is practically impossible to focus by hand and that the rotating front element makes using a polarizer a nightmare … and of course it is far from being the most robust lens. But the IQ is simply stunning, the lens is so small and light it just goes into my shirt pocket when I go out heavily packed already with the bird lens (500mm 4.0), blind, some speedlights and tripod … and the best it is so cheap that I will just take another with me as backup when I am going to the next serious trip to the tropics.
Sometimes the simple and cheap things are the ones which make life a pleasure.
Meanwhile I am still looking for another lens faster, better more robust but in no way am I in a hurry I simply love my toddler-lens.